Thursday, April 12, 2007


Dear Loves,
My sincerest apologies for being late. There are still things I can add, simply because I am a perfectionist. I added the blog roll and now its a matter of making it all purdy for you guys. The reason I wasn't able to do anything serious was I got married Monday. It was a quickie wedding. Very Glamours; very old Hollywood.
It was a quiet ceramony and there was no stress involved. The way one should be done damn it! At the time I thought buying the Niki Ree dress was insane and shook my head at how hard it is for me to resist clothing. I have this thing for buying clothes I won't be able to wear but, hell are pretty so deserved to be bought. I am happy I got it and didn't let that silly thing known as a conscious bother me when I conceplated buying it.
It made me look like the prettiest thing out of the 6 people there ;)

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